What Makes A Striped Shirt For Men
Casual Shirt, Men's Shirt

What Makes A Striped Shirt For Men?

If you wear a striped shirt, this will probably be your first real choice for men’s shirts. Even if you have a solid-colored or white shirt in the closet, having a striped one on the side of your body will always bring out the best in you.

Now that you have decided that a striped shirt is the style for you, which one should you buy? Well, there are many options available. These types of shirts come in many styles and materials, so it’s not as simple as just picking the one you like.

The first thing to do when you pick out a striped shirt for your wardrobe is figure out where you plan to wear it. There are some men who wear a striped shirt to work every day, but there are others who prefer to wear it at home or while out on a date. As long as you’re comfortable with the shirt that you choose, it won’t matter how you use it. You’ll be able to wear it for any reason or occasion.

Another important thing to keep in mind is what kind of stripes you prefer. If you’re planning to go to work every day, you might want to make sure that you pick a solid colored striped shirt because a polka dot can make you look sloppy and dull.

For the office environment, though, you might prefer something a little more vibrant, or even bright colors. If you don’t know whether you want bright or vivid colors, simply pick one out of each, and see how it looks on you.

One last consideration to keep in mind is where you’re going to wear your striped shirt. Some men choose to wear them with a solid colored shirt, but they also look great with white, so you can still wear them with solid colors.

After you figure out which design element you like best, you can now choose which stripes you want. You can choose a pattern that goes with your hair or your overall clothing style. There are even stripes that can look good with both a shirt and a pair of jeans.

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One thought on “What Makes A Striped Shirt For Men?

  1. SEO Affiliate Program says:

    Awesome post! Keep up the great work! 🙂

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